Features for everyone

Features versatile enough for every use case, from end to end.

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Features to fit your use case

Formulaires de routage

Route your information the way you need it to go, and process it in a way that makes the most sense for you and your organization.

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A power feature that enables simple automation inside of Cal.com to send notifications and reminders enabling you to build processes around all your events.

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Événements récurrents

Twice, three times, or as many times as you'd like. Recurring events makes it easy to pick a time and stick to a regular schedule that works for you.

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Take payments easily before or after your meeting with our Stripe integration.

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Giving you the ability to spread meetings across multiple people, one at a time.

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App Store

Our apps let you extend cal.com features, and makes integrating other services effortless.

An illustration of Calendar Connections

Calendar Connections

Connect as many calendars as you'd like, across as many platforms as you want. Choose from Google Calendar, Outlook, CalDav and more.

An illustration of Video Conferencing

Video Conferencing

Choose from any number of video conferencing software to connect to your Cal account. Cal Video, Google Meet, Zoom, Jitsi, Whereby, Huddle01, Campfire and more.

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