The users endpoint allows you to CRUD users within your instance.
In self-hosted enterprise instances, user endpoints are exclusively designated for performing Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations.
Please note that the Users Endpoint is not accessible on our hosted platform, as these actions are primarily reserved for administrative API requests. The only exception is the GET request, which permits retrieval of individual user information (non-admin) associated with the originating request, i.e. the user who made the request.
Also note that Team/Organization admins will not be able to access the data of their team members either for the reason mentioned above.
User Object
Attribute | Description |
id | integer The ID of the user, generated automatically |
username | string The username of the user |
name | string The name of the user |
The email of the user | |
emailVerified | DateTime The date and time when the user's email was verified |
password | UserPassword Object The password information for the user |
bio | string The biography of the user |
avatarUrl | string The URL of the user's avatar |
timeZone | string The time zone of the user |
travelSchedules | TravelSchedule[] List of travel schedules associated with the user |
weekStart | string The start day of the week for the user |
bufferTime | integer The buffer time for the user |
hideBranding | boolean Indicates whether branding is hidden for the user |
theme | string The theme of the booking page for the user |
appTheme | string The app theme for the user |
createdDate | DateTime The date when the user was created |
trialEndsAt | DateTime The date when the user's trial ends |
eventTypes | EventType[] List of event types associated with the user |
credentials | Credential[] List of credentials associated with the user |
teams | Membership[] List of teams the user is a member of |
bookings | Booking[] List of bookings associated with the user |
schedules | Schedule[] List of schedules associated with the user |
defaultScheduleId | integer The ID of the default schedule for the user |
selectedCalendars | SelectedCalendar[] List of selected calendars associated with the user |
completedOnboarding | boolean Indicates whether the user has completed onboarding |
locale | string The locale of the user |
timeFormat | integer The time format for the user |
twoFactorSecret | string The secret key for two-factor authentication |
twoFactorEnabled | boolean Indicates whether two-factor authentication is enabled |
backupCodes | string Backup codes for two-factor authentication |
identityProvider | IdentityProvider The identity provider used by the user |
identityProviderId | string The ID of the identity provider for the user |
availability | Availability[] List of availability settings for the user |
invitedTo | integer The ID of the event to which the user was invited |
webhooks | Webhook[] List of webhooks associated with the user |
brandColor | string The brand color of the user |
darkBrandColor | string The dark brand color of the user |
destinationCalendar | DestinationCalendar Object The destination calendar associated with the user |
allowDynamicBooking | boolean Indicates whether the user allows dynamic booking |
allowSEOIndexing | boolean Indicates whether the user allows SEO indexing |
receiveMonthlyDigestEmail | boolean Indicates whether the user receives a monthly digest email |
metadata | json Metadata associated with the user |
verified | boolean Indicates whether the user is verified |
role | UserPermissionRole The role of the user |
disableImpersonation | boolean Indicates whether impersonation is disabled for the user |
impersonatedUsers | Impersonations[] List of users impersonated by this user |
impersonatedBy | Impersonations[] List of users who impersonated this user |
apiKeys | ApiKey[] List of API keys associated with the user |
accounts | Account[] List of accounts associated with the user |
sessions | Session[] List of sessions associated with the user |
Feedback | Feedback[] List of feedback provided by the user |
ownedEventTypes | EventType[] List of event types owned by the user |
workflows | Workflow[] List of workflows associated with the user |
routingForms | App_RoutingForms_Form[] List of routing forms associated with the user |
verifiedNumbers | VerifiedNumber[] List of verified numbers associated with the user |
verifiedEmails | VerifiedEmail[] List of verified emails associated with the user |
hosts | Host[] List of hosts associated with the user |
organizationId | integer The ID of the organization associated with the user |
organization | Team Object The organization associated with the user |
accessCodes | AccessCode[] List of access codes associated with the user |
bookingRedirects | OutOfOfficeEntry[] List of booking redirects associated with the user |
bookingRedirectsTo | OutOfOfficeEntry[] List of booking redirects to this user |
locked | boolean Indicates whether the user account is locked |
platformOAuthClients | PlatformOAuthClient[] List of platform OAuth clients associated with the user |
AccessToken | AccessToken[] List of access tokens associated with the user |
RefreshToken | RefreshToken[] List of refresh tokens associated with the user |
PlatformAuthorizationToken | PlatformAuthorizationToken[] List of platform authorization tokens associated with the user |
profiles | Profile[] List of profiles associated with the user |
movedToProfileId | integer The ID of the profile the user has moved to |
movedToProfile | Profile Object The profile the user has moved to |
secondaryEmails | SecondaryEmail[] List of secondary emails associated with the user |
isPlatformManaged | boolean Indicates whether the user is platform managed |
OutOfOfficeReasons | OutOfOfficeReason[] List of out-of-office reasons associated with the user |
smsLockState | SMSLockState The SMS lock state of the user |
Example User Object
{ "id": 1001, "username": "johndoe", "name": "John Doe", "email": "[email protected]", "emailVerified": "2024-08-01T12:00:00Z", "password": [UserPassword Object], "bio": "A software engineer with a passion for open-source.", "avatarUrl": "", "timeZone": "Europe/London", "travelSchedules": [TravelSchedule Object[]], "weekStart": "Monday", "bufferTime": 15, "hideBranding": false, "theme": "modern", "appTheme": "light", "createdDate": "2024-07-15T09:00:00Z", "trialEndsAt": "2024-09-15T09:00:00Z", "eventTypes": [EventType Object[]], "credentials": [Credential Object[]], "teams": [Membership Object[]], "bookings": [Booking Object[]], "schedules": [Schedule Object[]], "defaultScheduleId": 2001, "selectedCalendars": [SelectedCalendar Object[]], "completedOnboarding": true, "locale": "en-US", "timeFormat": 24, "twoFactorSecret": "secret123", "twoFactorEnabled": true, "backupCodes": "backupcode123", "identityProvider": "CAL", "identityProviderId": "provider123", "availability": [Availability Object[]], "invitedTo": 3001, "webhooks": [Webhook Object[]], "brandColor": "#FF5733", "darkBrandColor": "#C70039", "destinationCalendar": [DestinationCalendar Object], "allowDynamicBooking": true, "allowSEOIndexing": true, "receiveMonthlyDigestEmail": true, "metadata": [Metadata Object], "verified": true, "role": "ADMIN", "disableImpersonation": false, "impersonatedUsers": [Impersonations Object[]], "impersonatedBy": [Impersonations Object[]], "apiKeys": [ApiKey Object[]], "accounts": [Account Object[]], "sessions": [Session Object[]], "Feedback": [Feedback Object[]], "ownedEventTypes": [EventType Object[]], "workflows": [Workflow Object[]], "routingForms": [App_RoutingForms_Form Object[]], "verifiedNumbers": [VerifiedNumber Object[]], "verifiedEmails": [VerifiedEmail Object[]], "hosts": [Host Object[]], "organizationId": 4001, "organization": [Team Object], "accessCodes": [AccessCode Object[]], "bookingRedirects": [OutOfOfficeEntry Object[]], "bookingRedirectsTo": [OutOfOfficeEntry Object[]], "locked": false, "platformOAuthClients": [PlatformOAuthClient Object[]], "AccessToken": [AccessToken Object[]], "RefreshToken": [RefreshToken Object[]], "PlatformAuthorizationToken": [PlatformAuthorizationToken Object[]], "profiles": [Profile Object[]], "movedToProfileId": 5001, "movedToProfile": [Profile Object], "secondaryEmails": [SecondaryEmail Object[]], "isPlatformManaged": false, "OutOfOfficeReasons": [OutOfOfficeReason Object[]], "smsLockState": "UNLOCKED" }
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